Real Sentiments on Artificial Intelligence

Humanity has long been entertained, curious, excited and even frightened by the possibilities that lie ahead with artificial intelligence. Nowadays some people use AI for personal therapy or to find romantic relationships, while others are in a constant state of fear of being replaced at their job by a robot. Are we living in a real-life sci-fi thriller, or is that a far-fetched scenario that we needn’t be worried about, thanks to the ways AI makes our lives better?   

With so many unanswered questions, Atomik Research conducted a survey of 2,004 U.S. adults to find out how they feel about this rapidly advancing technology. In our report, we explore:  

  • Levels of trust and familiarity with AI 
  • How confident U.S. adults feel about being able to interact with and explain AI to others 
  • How likely people are to engage with generative AI and how it’s being leveraged in both personal and professional lives 
  • Overall awareness, concerns, fears and excitement people feel about AI for the future 

Find out the Real Sentiments on Artificial Intelligence by DOWNLOADING OUR REPORT HERE.

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